
The official Mace Brand, the trusted brand of pepper spray & premier maker of maximum strength pepper sprays and personal safety products for women and men.


Mace spray is a perfect non-lethal defense product to keep on hand because it’s as effective as it is inexpensive. Offered in a wide variety of designs and colors, it’s easy to find a spray to fit your needs.

Mace spray梅西喷雾,美国历史悠久的高端防身喷雾品牌,全球公认的防卫防狼喷雾第一品牌,目前最有效的个人防护装备,对人体只会产生暂时性的瘫痪,不会造成永久性伤害,当您遇到紧急情况时,拿出喷雾对准歹徒脸部直接喷射,然后迅速逃离并向外界求救!
